June 29, 2017

We celebrated my husbands birthday yesterday. He is not huge on gifts. So I was on a mission to bless his socks off without breaking the bank. So this year I had friends & family write words of encouragement, scripture, or things they admire about my husband & had them send it to me. 

I then had my almost five year old help me paint gold on envelopes we had since it was daddy’s golden birthday.  We also did some hand and footprints with gold paint from daddy’s little guys. Then we stuck the envelopes up with some sticky tack & stuffed them with the sweet words from our loved ones, our boys, &a me.

My husband loved it, it blessed his soul so much, & may have brought a few tears or two. So before you go out and spend a bundle on a gift for someone, REMEMBER It’s not about the price you spend on someone, it’s the thought that goes into it. 

I did not spend a penny on this gift. 

I used envelopes we had

          Paint we had. 

         Sticky tack we had. 

         & most importantly our family & friends we have! 


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